Monday, January 24, 2011

Captain Planet!

I'm sure I'm not the only one that does this, but while in the shower I was reading my suave shampoo bottle and it said, "did you know you would save $150 a year and x amount of gallons of water if you turn the water off while shampooing". Wow, really?

Now I try to be as green as the next person by recycling cans and bottles, but really? It takes me 5 mins. alone to get the temputure just right the first time I turn it on. Why would I want to spend so much time turning the water on and off again and again. Do people actually do this or am I alone with thinking this is a bit much.


All ive ever wanted in a guy since I was little was for him to be Irish/Italian was in the army and is or wants to be a fireman. I want someone to sweep me off my feet and take care of me. Someone that can say don't worry everything will be ok and for me to be able to believe him because I know he wont let anything happen to me.

I just want my parents fairy tale story... is that too much to ask for? Ugh men..

Sunday, January 23, 2011


Why do we need to pay for college. It is basically mandatory in order to get a good job. Why do we have to pay for something that is mandatory when we dont have to pay for high school or middle and elementary schools. Can't they at least lower the price.

I want to go back to school. I want to be a nurse and was going to college but had a hard time going after my mother passed. Now I have a chance to go for Medical Assistant but worried I won't be able to go because of past unpaid loans. Oh life of a 20 something.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

American idol

So what does everyone thing of the new season of American Idol? I only watched the second episode and it wasn't too bad, but I do miss Simon. I think the show does need someone to be mean because it makes it funny. No matter how bad you felt for the person you always laughed at the rude but funny things Simon would say to people.

Guess well see how many seasons are left after this one.


Does anyone have an iPad? I love mine. I m not one of those people that have the need to take it every where I go. I don't use it for work and I don't use it for school. I use it to play games, listen to music and when Im lazy and just wonna lay in bed while on the internet.

Anyways does anyone know of any good apps to download? Free is always best but cheap works too. And does anyone know of Ny good photo editing apps, let me know!

Friday, January 21, 2011

Hello real world.

“When you're young, your whole life is about the pursuit of fun. Then, you grow up and learn to be cautious. You could break a bone or a heart. You look before you leap and sometimes you don't leap at all because there's not always someone there to catch you. And in life, there's no safety net. When did it stop being fun and start being scary?”-Carrie Bradshaw


Facebook is starting to drive me crazy. I love playing the games, keeping in touch with people from high school and family I'm un able to see everyday. But I hate that people go on there to fight. If you have something to say then it in person or on the phone don't make stays updates about someone, not saying their name but you know damn straight it's about you. Just grow up and say it to their face, geeze how old are we!

I have a few friends posting about me acting like they aren't. They are just making them selfsame look dumb since they don't have all the facts and don't bother to ask before they go running their mouths. Uugh...

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

End of an era?

To me eras end when people pass, tv shows are cancelled, people marry and when people retire, and a few more things.

It's sad to think how quick time goes by even when your in the middle of it you don't notice it flying pass you.

With the passing of my grandmother and my mother, it has made me think of the things I will never know. I have my grandparents left on my fathers side and I can hear 1000 stories but I will never really know how things were when they were young, my kids will never know how my life was when I was young. You can never capture a moment and hold on to it. You have to take pictures and soak everything in while your in the middle of it.

With Oprah, Larry King, and Regis Philmin all retiring makes me think. I always thought they would be on because that's who I've known and watched since I was younger. It just makes me feel a little bit older and under prepared for it.

And let me just add I'm also sadden by the news that prince William is getting married, we were suppose to be getting married, I can take Kate down any day haha!

Would you read?

My thought about life is.. In life it either starts out shitty or ends shitty, I just hope it's not all shitty.

I have a story to tell about my life. It's a story you might not believe because you could never imagine so many things happening to one person or one family. But let me be clear, my story isn't over, I have not found my happy ending yet but I'm sure as hell I'm getting one.

I've always thought of how my life would make a good book, either if it was exactly like my life or even if it took the main parts and maybe changed them a little. And what if that book was turned into a movie. I of course would want a roll in it but by then maybe I'll be long gone. You cant be a ledgen till your dead. Isn't it funny how no one hears you till your dead.

Hello Dear.

Im not sure where to start. How about the begining that is always a good place to start. My blog name I kind of stole from a backstreet boys song but the point of it to me is that it's so true.

I've never been the one to go to bed at a perfect time such as 8pm or even 12 midnight. I'm the type of person that stays up till 3 am doing nothing but everything at the same time. Its a time at night when you feel like the world stopped and everyone else but you is asleep. It makes my creative side come out with wanting to draw/paint and obviously write. I would stay up watching Nick at Nite and my favorite, I love Lucy. I had always wanted to be an actress but also always knew you had to have money or connections or a family willing to put everything they have into helping you. And I'm sure if my family had everything they would give it to me. So with that the dream did not fade but set a side till the moment I can make it happen for my self.