Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Hello Dear.

Im not sure where to start. How about the begining that is always a good place to start. My blog name I kind of stole from a backstreet boys song but the point of it to me is that it's so true.

I've never been the one to go to bed at a perfect time such as 8pm or even 12 midnight. I'm the type of person that stays up till 3 am doing nothing but everything at the same time. Its a time at night when you feel like the world stopped and everyone else but you is asleep. It makes my creative side come out with wanting to draw/paint and obviously write. I would stay up watching Nick at Nite and my favorite, I love Lucy. I had always wanted to be an actress but also always knew you had to have money or connections or a family willing to put everything they have into helping you. And I'm sure if my family had everything they would give it to me. So with that the dream did not fade but set a side till the moment I can make it happen for my self.

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