Monday, January 24, 2011

Captain Planet!

I'm sure I'm not the only one that does this, but while in the shower I was reading my suave shampoo bottle and it said, "did you know you would save $150 a year and x amount of gallons of water if you turn the water off while shampooing". Wow, really?

Now I try to be as green as the next person by recycling cans and bottles, but really? It takes me 5 mins. alone to get the temputure just right the first time I turn it on. Why would I want to spend so much time turning the water on and off again and again. Do people actually do this or am I alone with thinking this is a bit much.

1 comment:

  1. Woah, I must be getting the wrong shampoo...I have never read that before now! I'm going to start turning off my water =)

